14 Agustus 2008

John the Ripper, Sang Pemerkosa Password

Pasti sering denger kan program yang satu ini. Yah namanya uda melegenda didunia hitam putihnya cyber. Tugas utama nya memecahkan password dengan metoda brute force, berjalan disistem linux and windows, dapat ditambahkan dictionary bahkan ukuran lebih 600 mb an kata. powerful!flexibel, dan support multi-platform.

Tertarik mencoba?? JTR

John the Ripper (Windows - binaries, ZIP, 1360 KB)

John the Ripper (DOS - binaries, ZIP, 895 KB)

John the Ripper (Unix - sources, tar.gz, 784 KB)

Note: a few Windows “antivirus” and “anti-spyware” products have started to recognize password recovery tools as if they were “trojans”. This is how those products’ vendors inflate their detected “virus” counts. The effect is that end-users are no longer able to check password recovery software for real viruses. If this affects you, please complain to your antivirus vendor.

John the Ripper is a part of Owl, Debian GNU/Linux, EnGarde Linux, Gentoo Linux, Mandrake Linux, and SUSE Linux. It is in the ports/packages collections of FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD.



Duh ,aduh.. Di sini juga ramai yah.. Aq ngejagain kaht eh..taunya ngumpul disini LOL..
Aq jawab ya..

1.Nggak bisa di download?
A:Ni direct link langsung dari situs resminya..jadi server mungkin full

2.Gak isa di extract
A:1. Download kamu corrupt
2.JTR nya kamu udah di tahan oleh AV

Seperti yang di comment ama armed

Ni aq coba lagi (02/05/200 8) download&extract, Lancar aja tuh..

3.Guna JTR
A: Cukup jelas, Hash cracker!

4.Cara menggunakan (dasar/Video):

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